AMERICAN MASTERS | Marvin Gaye | Preview | PBS

2008-05-06 18 His standing among the most enduring 20th century American musical artists is without question, yet his story is rarely told beyond the tragic circumstances of his death. Enormously talented and equally complicated, Gaye created an intimate style -- full of honesty, integrity, vulnerability -- and, essentially, gave the world his autobiography in lyrics and melody. The Wonderful One, The Trouble Man, The Prince Of Soul -- he was the Motown star who challenged and changed the face of black music, embodying its evolution from gritty roots in gospel, jazz and rhythm and blues, to sophisticated pop and sexually, politically charged soul. Extensive performance footage and insight from Mary Wilson, Smokey Robinson, Gladys Knight, Mos Def, among many others, captures the tone and texture of a career that still leaves an indelible mark on our musical landscape. AMERICAN MASTERS "Marvin Gaye: What's Going On" premieres Wednesday, May 7 at 9 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings).